sábado, 22 de febrero de 2014

Your gaulish war - Eluveitie

Estatua de Vercingetorix de Frédéric Bartholdi. Place de Jaude, en Clermont-Ferrand, Francia.

Vídeo montaje

Selección de escenas con Vercingetórix en la serie "Roma" 

Your gaulish war - Eluveitie

Fraught with so much greed, imperial needs.
Satisfy your hunger for might and blood!
With greedy claws the eagle flew
Leaving chaos and widows on his hunt.

We do not accept to bear the half-moon on our feet
Nor to bow, to the laurel wreath!

"Haec terra mea est" - the urge of your own want
Spurring the horse towards the devastating aint.
It's the pauper that accrouches - bared indigence
Your need should cost unnumbered lives!

Might and riches you have sought,
Willing to pay the price in human lives!

False and fallacious, killing and omnivorous
Depleting the value of human life!
But we always knew: You came with fortune
And one day you'd come with steel!

We did not accept to bear the half-moon on our feet!
A tort that pays it wage death?

Well, how does it feel, the blood on your hands?
I hope you had a ball in effacing lives!
Well, how does it feel, the blood on your hands?
I hope the gold you've won bestows your delight!

... standing at the top of all the ruin you have left...
Watch our wives remigrate with crooked backs...

jueves, 20 de febrero de 2014

St. Aidan's Prayer

by Theophilia

Leave me alone with God 
as much as may be.
As the tide draws the waters 
close in upon the shore,
Make me an island, set apart,
alone with you, God, 
holy to you.

Then with the turning of the tide
prepare me to carry your presence 
to the busy world beyond,
the world that rushes in on me
till the waters come again 
and fold me back to you.

- St. Aidan of Lindisfarne

sábado, 15 de febrero de 2014

La piedra de Killanoe

En la catedral irlandesa de Killaloe (Clare) hay una piedra con inscripciones en alfabeto oghámico y rúnico, siendo la única conocida con estas características bilingües. Está fechada entre los años 899 y 1199.

La parte oghámica dice: "BEANDACHT (AR) - TOROQR (IM)". Una bendición para Thorgrim
Las runas dicen: "URGRIM RISTI KRUS INA". Thorgrim levantó esta cruz.

Longitude: 8° 26' 21" W

Latitude: 52° 48' 22" N

lunes, 10 de febrero de 2014

Berrogüetto (despedida)

Especial Berrogüetto

Podcast Entrelares / Radio Círculo

Tras haber anunciado su disolución esta misma semana, la banda gallega Berrogüetto, merece que hagamos un pequeño recorrido por lo que ha sido su legado musical en estos casi dieciocho años de existencia. Repasamos algunos temas de sus 5 discos, sobre todo aquellos que más sonaron en nuestro programa.