lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014

viernes, 14 de marzo de 2014

Música para celebrar "Lá Fhéile Pádraig"

17 de Marzo. El Día de San Patricio

(Lá Fhéile Pádraig)


Fiesta del santo patrón de los irlandeses,
aunque no es necesario que seas irlandés ni cristiano para celebrado;
además, también es la fiesta de los leprachauns.

Unas listas de reproducción de Spotify
con canciones seleccionadas por mí, 
según las ganas y los gustos.

Fiesta, marcha, desmadre
(aprox. 2,15 horas)

Tranquilidad, meditación, "después de"
(aprox. 3 horas)

Finalmente, una lista con artistas españoles
(Celtas Cortos, Mago de Oz, Judith Mateos, Fatty Farmers, Luar na Lubre, 13Krauss)
(Aprox. 3 horas)


domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Adopciones romanas de Celtiberia

Celtic Swords by Tobias-Dawson

Los romanos adoptaron la espada de los celtas de Hispania, llamándola gladius hispaniensis, añadiéndoles su propia empuñadura. Estas espadas fueron una gran novedad para losromanos, porque tenían punta afilada, al contrario que la autóctona, que era roma y sólo podía cortar. La técnica delucha cambió totalmente. Se decía que el agua del río Biblis (Jalón) tenían propiedades especiales para darles el temple exacto. También adoptaron los bracae, pantalones (que se supone que a su vez los celtas copiaron de los escitas), para los jinetes de las legiones, y la capa negra de lana gruesa, que los celtíberos llamaban sagum, para todos los legionarios.

Polibio escribió:
Los celtíberos sobresalen, en mucho, entrelos demás pueblos en la fabricación de espadas. Sus espadas tienen en efecto una punta resistente y un tajo cortante por los dos lados. Por ello los romanos desde los tiempos de Aníbal abandonaron las espadas de sus antepasados cambiándolas por las de los hispanos. Pero si pudieron imitar la forma, nunca lograron alcanzarla calidad del hierro y la perfección de la factura.

Diororo escribió:
Sus espadas tienen doble filo y están fabricadas con excelente hierro, y también tienen puñales de un palmo de longitud que utilizan en el combate cerrado. Siguen una táctica especial en la fabricación de sus armas defensivas, pues entierran láminas de hierro y las dejan hasta que con el curso del tiempo el óxido se ha comido las partes más débiles, quedando sólo las más resistentes: de esta forma hacen espadas excelentes, así como otros instrumentos bélicos. El arma fabricada de la forma descrita corta todo lo que pueda encontrar en su camino, pues no hay escudo, casco o hueso que pueda resistir el golpe dada la excepcional calidad del hierro.

sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014

Música: Leah

Celtic metal from Vancouver, Canada

This 5-song Celtic-metal masterpiece from Canadian artist LEAH takes you from the stormy shores of an ancient era... to fantasy landscapes... to the battlefield of love and loss. Cinematic character vocals from metal god Eric Peterson (Testament/Dragonlord) leave you electrified in his wake with an "echo's breath, a romance death!" Otherworld is where the ethereal and the brutal collide.

Otherworld (2013)

Shores of Your Lies 

Oh life goes by
Still these cruel winds blow
Eroding my life
Like a whispering ghost

No destination, and we’re hollowly following
Shipwrecked on the shores of your lies
All of these voices, tauntingly haunting me
So I’ll hold on to you for dear life

Oh take these heavy chains
Which bind my weary soul
Burn the words which hunt me down
They grip around my throat

No destination, and we’re hollowly following
Shipwrecked on the shores of your lies
All of these voices, tauntingly haunting me
So I’ll hold on to you for dear life

Oh life goes by
Still these cruel winds blow
Eroding my mind
Like a whispering ghost

The Northern Edge 

Here sunlight fades away
In time the lines dissipate

In this labyrinth of the dead
We call from the Northern Edge
Wage this war to the bitter end
Raise this flag for the Northern Edge

Here sunlight disappears
In time the lines intertwine
Here broken hearts shall be opened
This time my love is leaving forever

In this labyrinth of the dead
We call from the Northern Edge
Wage this war to the bitter end
Raise this flag for the Northern Edge

In this labyrinth of the dead
We befall and we ascend
Raise this flag on the Northern Edge
In this corner of the Northern Edge


Come to the sea, wash the memories of war away
Lay your head down, ease the pain now, even in your dreams
It’s far from over, I can see the storm on the horizon
Like a little child, I weep over you, ‘till you come back to me

My heart is surrounded
I’ll lay my weapons down
This battle’s just beginning
Standing on this mountain
I will surrender now
Today I’m giving in

Bring your wounds, bring your broken blades and chronicles
Time to breathe, and time to leave again, making history complete
I know it’s far from over, I can see the storm on the horizon
But for a little while, let me memorize the last time I will see your face...

My heart is surrounded
I’ll lay my weapons down
This battle’s just beginning
Standing on this mountain
I will surrender now
Today I’m giving in

This heavy armor has been weighing you down
Skies growing somber and beckoning blood
Is there any hope for us beyond these walls
Bittersweet, this night shall be, in eternal stone

My heart is surrounded
I’ll lay my weapons down
This battle’s just beginning
Standing on this mountain
I will surrender now
Today I’m giving in to you

Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep

Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there I do not sleep
When you waken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush

I am a thousand winds that blow
I am the diamond glints on snow
I am the sunlight on ripened grain
I am the gentle autumn rain

Gentle birds in circling flight
I am the soft star that shines at night
Oh do not stand at my grave and cry
I am not there, I did not die...

I am a thousand winds that blow
I am the diamond glints on snow
I am the sunlight on ripened grain
I am the gentle autumn rain

Dreamland (Feat. Eric Peterson) 

In this dreamland, no one has to hide
I awaken and you are at my side
Then this warm summer breeze
Comes washing over me
A reverie for eternity...

Twisted in this spiral of our time...
Souls gripped in the confines of our minds...
Eternal labyrinth of the underworld...
Brings us to justice divine!
Riding the river of Archeron
No coin to recompense Charon
Here I die one thousand times
Here I wander now the shores of your lies...
In this dreamworld where the sun shines cold
Where blood runs much colder than snow
I am the Usurper between these two worlds
Now I am the King of this underworld!

Once upon a time when we were all wise, we were so strange
See the sunrise, hear the old lies, feel the clanging blades
Ancient stories, wisdom, glory, and dismay that day
It shall never be forgotten again

In this dreamland, no one has to hide
I awaken and you are at my side
Then this warm summer breeze
Comes washing over me
A reverie for eternity...

Flowing down this circular scroll
Till we enter the gates, of lamenting souls
Hold me at a distance as we're crossing paths
An echo's breath, a romance death!
In this afterworld, in the Caverns of Never!
No dreams forgotten, forgiven here...
Voices they call me, they taunt me, they haunt me!
Ceasing the torment, for a moment's mirror...
Will we see again the moon's pure light?
Will we hear the thunder, roar!
We shall sail upon the winds, of lamentation
Where the ice storms burn, and the fires blow!

Once upon a time when we were all wise, we were so strange
See the sunrise, hear the old lies, feel the clanging blades
Ancient stories, wisdom, glory, and dismay that day
It shall never be forgotten again

In this dreamland, no one has to hide
I awaken and you are at my side
Then this warm summer breeze
Comes washing over me
A reverie for eternity...